TCEB and TICA Hosted a Successful Inaugural Asia Convention Alliance Association Forum (ACAAF) in Bangkok

On 11 November 2023, Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) and Thailand Incentive and Convention Association (TICA) hosted an inaugural Asia Convention Alliance Association Forum 2023 (#ACAAF1) at Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC) in Bangkok.

Participated by more than 100 representatives from associations and business events organizations from around the world, ACAAF1 was held according to its “Alliance of Actions: Drive Real Changes Now” concept. With an aim is to build an equality and sustainability legacy for future generations following the principles of UNSDG development, the keynote session featured UNDP Resident Representative to Thailand Mr. Renaud Meyer presenting on “UNSDGs Decade of Actions: Less than ten years to transform our world.”, a highly motivational topic for the anticipating crowd.

Created by Asia Convention Alliance, ACAAF is set to be held annually with host destination rotating amongst ACA’s founding members; Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), Thailand Incentive and Convention Association (TICA), Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB), Seoul Tourism Organization (STO) and Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TRITRA), who will take turn as host each year. Since TCEB and TICA hosted the inaugural ACAAF in Thailand, the next ACAAF edition will take place in 2024 either in Malaysia, South Korea, or Taiwan. 

Stay tuned for updates on the next edition of the Asia Convention Alliance Association Forum. 

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